Monday, September 28, 2009

Chapter 4#

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 4#
Painted Faces and Long Hair “The Pig must die!”
Perspective: Ralph

I bath in the water with Simon and Piggy. The sun shines and plasters my fair hair back against my skull. I relax for the first time in a long time not only because it is so stressful being on the island, with the little kids scared at night and cry for there moms during the night in the hut next door and I impossible to sleep. But it is from Jack, he talks about killing Pigs but he hasn’t killed one yet and the shelters are in ruins and they need to be built. I miss my home in England and my school taking care of me and on certain holidays I would be able to spend time with my family.

From the corner of my eye I can see the little kids splashing each other in the water. I envy how they don’t have to do any work and how they eat, play, and sleep. I lay in the water relaxing as Simon practices his dive that making BLATANT ripples over my body and splash over my shoulders. I here a kid shriek and a name call I stiffen and turn my body and see a kid that put sand in the others eye. I can’t do anything but it seems that the kids know wrong and right and are waiting for a punishment that I won’t give.

Piggy is always thinking of ways that could help us on the island and today he decides that we should stick a stick in the ground to tell what time it is………instead of thinking of a way to get us back to England. I get carried away and begin to tell him how stupid the idea was and I begin to start to feel like Jack, always nagging on Piggy just because he’s fat and doesn’t do anything cause of his asthma. Piggy glares in the horizon and out on the horizon he sees smoke and as we both look closer we see a ship. Piggy and I run to the edge of the water staring where the smoke should be but isn’t. I yell, “Damn” I sprint up to the fire in one heart beat knowing we could be saved because if we can see there smoke they would be able to see our smoke.

I am barley out of breathe when I reach the fire that is dead. I look to see where the ship was, that is no longer in sight. I curse and crouch by the fire trying to find the right words. I hear from the distance, “Kill the Pig, cut her throat, and spill her blood.” I instantly knew they caught a pig and there was GOUTS of blood that was all over Jack’s hands and Jack let out the fire just so they could get meat when we could be getting ready to go home right now.

I see Jack first that has a huge grin smacked across his face with a BELLIGERENCE attitude and doesn’t even know about the ship. I zone out and repeat the same words, “You let the fire go out.” They cheer about the blood and the energy about how it felt like. Jack explains how he needed the twins to make a circle to circle the pig. I am furious but shocked. I tell him about the ship and how it was his responsibility to take care of the fire. But even though it is obvious that it was his fault there is nothing I can do. I order them to make a new fire and we light it quickly and cook the pig, raw but better than the normal fruit. I get a hand full of meat as well as Simon. Piggy sits empty handed and complains I still zoned out stare in the roar of the fire. The next thing I know Jack through meat at Simon and Piggy has meat stuffed in his mouth. Jack is one of the most IMPALPABLE people I know. I stand up and announce that I will be calling an assembly tonight, my voice filled with range I stand and walk away feeling very BALM.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The Lord of the Flies Chapter 2#
Fire on the mountain “Rule number 2”
Perspective: Simon

My legs are sleepy from walking up the mountains several times today. After we climbed the mountain Ralph decides that since were on an island and we are going to get rescued soon we should help the grown ups out by having a fire that produces smoke to get there attention. When a little boy maybe 8 years old asks for the shell the other boys laugh at him but when he finally speaks up the boys states there is a beastie that changes into branches and vines. And wants to eat us, boys laugh and capering but I do wonder if there is a “Beastie” and if were in danger. Jack yells fire and Jack and I run up the mountain with the rest of the kids the sun is shining and reflects off the water that we can see clearly as we descend up the mountain, I can hear a light yell from the back of the several kids running behind us. We begin to make a pile of wood from the scar from the plane crash. We make a pile of bark on the top of the mountain as Ralph and Jack use there strength to lift the bark up over the rocks. When the pile begins to take shape Jack pinches Piggy’s glasses and lifts it up into the sky till smoke steams through the branches. I watch as Piggy complains trying to get his glasses back, which I have to admit, began to get annoying. I still grab fire wood and through it in the pile. Piggy holds the conch shell close to him and it seems almost unnecessary till he begins talking and Jack yells at him to shut up. Breaking the first rule, the fight goes on till Piggy yells and says that the rules never applies to Jack while Piggy talks. Jack blames piggy for not doing any work and not collecting the fire wood. I swallow hard before saying, “Well he may not have helped collect firewood but we used his glasses to start the fire. And he is holding the conch so it won’t break.” I accomplish saying that much and standing up for Piggy. And that makes me different from most of the boys on the island. Ralph makes the law that the conch applies anywhere on the island and whoever holds it, is the one who has order and the right to speak.
The thing about the conch is retains order in a way that keeps balance and peace. Without it would be chaotic and there would be screaming and nothing would get done. Piggy continues his rant and says that he didn’t get names. And that shook Ralph’s face right off into a frown. Piggy continues. After you went on your search to see if this is an island the boys ran around like flies in and out of the jungle it was impossible to count. And when you got back things became calm so I tried to count again but then everyone yelled FIRE.” I almost felt bad for Piggy cause it looked almost as if he was about to cry. But before I can say anything Piggy continues, “How you do know all the boys are up here.” He points down to where the fire broke loose into the jungle errantly. “The boy that called beastie I haven’t seen him how do you know he still isn’t down there?” I begin to search around looking for him. Ralph searches to but we know the truth. He is missing and he could very well be burning the wild fire we just created full of ebullience. Jack says to Ralph, I will split up my hunters to tend the fire so it won’t loose control.” Jack agrees and we head back down to the beach where we had our first meeting. I lay on my mat thinking of the beastie and the boy and is he martyred.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lord of the Flies Chapter 1 - The Sound of the Shell “What happened?” Perspective: Piggy

Hi there, who ever is reading this means we were rescued, or we died. I am writing in my school handbook, in the section under, “Notes.” Where I am writing it doesn’t matter it’s why I am writing it.
When we were on a plane back to school our plane crashed, when I woke up I was on dry land, which sounds crazy out of every place to land we landed near an island. I meet a scared boy; he has keen skin as well as fare. His body frame is muscular and it looks like he could be a great boxer. We look around at the scar and decide to walk together down to the beach. The boy immediately strips down naked because the sand is so hot. He throws his clothes down on the ground, and I ask him, “What’s your name.” and his response was simple in one heart beat “Ralph.” I guess it didn’t matter what my name is cause my proffer for him to ask me never happened. So I said, “At school they called me Piggy.” Which I completely wish I could take back cause I didn’t know he would jump up and down yelling, “Piggy, Piggy!” which was funny I guess cause I am fat and have asthma. When I knew that he wasn’t going to tell them Ralph climbs up on a ledge looking down into the water. I look down and ask, “Where are the adults?” Ralph shrugs and asks from under a palm fronds, “Is this an island,” all these questions I want to be answered, but before I can answer, I catch my eye on a……..rock, shell, a shell. I run down to the water and Ralph jumps in and gets it out of the water. I tell him all about how one of my relatives had one of those and I wasn’t allowed to cause my asthma. I explain how to blow it and by the time he figures it out the trees are shaking and birds are rustling and there are signs of wildlife. We figure boys will come when they here it. And by the time they do I start collecting names that Ralph can’t here or maybe he is just uninterested. A group of people in togs departing out of the forest. We decide to have a leader; a chief,a communion Ralph and the leader of the togs Jack are the nominators. I personally don’t know I definitely don’t want Jack because he made a sniggering comment to me and called me fat. But Ralph laughed at me so I guess I will just go with the flow. My opinion doesn’t matter anyways.


this is what i imagend what it looked like when the fire broke loose on the island